Rugby's Oakfield Primary pupils write to the prime minister to urge him to take action on plastic pollution

Oakfield pupils with their response from Downing Street.Oakfield pupils with their response from Downing Street.
Oakfield pupils with their response from Downing Street.
The pupils were delighted when they received a reply from Downing Street

A conscientious group of pupils at Rugby's Oakfield Primary Academy wrote a persuasive letter to the prime minister after being horrified when they learned about the scale of plastic pollution.

Recently the school's year four pupils had been been learning about the impact of plastic waste on the environment, and they were particularly shocked to hear that at least eight million tonnes of plastic ends up in the planet's oceans every year.

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The pupils were determined to take action so they wrote directly to prime minister Boris Johnson, asking him to explain what the government is doing to combat the problem.

A spokesperson for the school explained: "Within these letters, the children wrote persuasive arguments for reducing plastic use - such as single use plastic bags.

"After waiting for several months, we were thrilled to receive a letter from 10 Downing Street

"Within this response, the children were thanked for sending their 'excellent letters' and provided with details as to what the government is doing to further tackle plastic pollution.

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The children were ecstatic to receive a letter from 10 Downing Street.

One pupil, Alan, said: “I am nervous about our future. I was relieved to know that the Prime Minister agrees with us and is doing something about the issue.”

Another, David, said: “I am astonished to have a response from 10 Downing Street.

"Because of this letter, it seems like they really do care about our ocean. After reading the letter, I think there is a real chance that we can make a difference.”

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And pupil Angelina said: “Plastic pollution isn’t something that only we should care about.

"I am glad that the government care too. I feel that this issue is something our whole community should be involved in.”

Headteacher Mrs Adams praised the pupils for their effort.

She said: “I am incredibly proud of our children who are proving to be responsible, pro-active, and caring citizens.

"This letter was extremely well-received by our pupils and has encouraged them to seek out every opportunity to make a positive difference.“

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And deputy head Mrs Nealon said: “The children were so passionate about what they learnt that they were moved to take action; what is really heartening is that in receiving a response from their letters, the children have experienced the reality that one voice can make a difference, but a united voice can be heard.

"This was a really powerful learning experience for our pupils and they were so excited and empowered as a result.”