Small comforts will see us through winter and the constant ‘permacrisis’

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Food and family time helps to get through winter times

Brits will turn to movies, family time - and comfort food to get them through a gloomy winter, according to research.

A new study of 2,000 adults found 57 per cent actively look for pick-me-ups when the nights grow longer, and days grow colder to boost their moods.

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Watching a movie (26 per cent), spending time with family (24 per cent), eating comfort food (23 per cent) and fluffy socks (19 per cent) were comforts people seek to see them through the colder months.

Psychologist Dr Meg Arroll, who is working with Healthspan Vitamin D which commissioned the research, said: “Often small pleasures remind us of pleasant memories, and so act as a mental comfort blanket.

“Cosy socks and jumpers can be particularly soothing and joyous because as young infants we relied on physical touch to bond with our primary caregivers.”

“Finding relief from the constant ‘permacrisis’ of the last few months and winter can be a particularly challenging time.

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“Positive distractions such as watching a favourite movie and spending time with loved ones are both excellent ways of giving yourself a break from chronic, heightened stress.”

More than half of those surveyed (54 per cent) said the reason they looked for a winter pick me up was to boost their mood.

A huge 86 per cent of respondents believe it’s important to look after their mental health during the gloomy winter months.

As the nights draw in and winter settles in, try the below:

Stay active and try out JOY - a new 8-minute workout

Any sort of physical exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, the gym or yoga, will help to increase serotonin levels, improve energy, and help sleep.

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However, 31 per cent of adults say they exercise less in winter and four in 10 feel more lethargic than at other times of the year.

Dr Meg Arroll said: “We spend a great deal of time in our own heads, so to prevent winter angst overtaking you, turn the tables and use your body to help your mind.

“We tend to focus on how the mind can affect the body in terms of health and wellbeing, but the body can also impact the mind in surprising ways – something called ‘embodied emotion.”

“I like to use the mnemonic JOY to help remind me of this: Just Open Yourself. Think about how someone looks when they are joyful – their posture and face is generally open.

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“Copy this and see how you feel, think about opening-up your shoulders and chest, your face by lifting your head up and smiling, and you can even throw open your arms and swing them around.”

Celebrate winter foods without the guilt

Dr Meg said: “The survey clearly highlighted how comfort food is going to play a big role this winter with 23 per cent saying this will be their go-to, to help them through the winter months.