Rugby College fashion show supports baby Dexter

Baby Dexter with his mumBaby Dexter with his mum
Baby Dexter with his mum
A charity fashion show organised by Rugby College students will raise funds for two good causes next week.

They will show their support for Rugby Paw Prints and Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre at the event, which is called Walk and Paws.

The fashion show is intended to showcase the work of the college’s hair and beauty students, who have organised the show with curriculum leader Kelly Taylor guiding them through the process.

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Kelly said: “The students have worked so hard in putting this event together and I am so proud as their tutor of all they have achieved.

“This will be the first event of its kind at the college and it has been exciting watching them put this together.

“We are still in need of raffle prizes, so if anyone is wanting to donate they can do by contacting the hair and beauty department.”

Kelly was also responsible for putting forward Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre, which is based in Coventry, after her friend’s son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

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She added: “As a collective, the group voted for Rugby Paw Prints as they wanted to support a local charity and they all love dogs. It was roughly around this time that I found out that my best friend Leanne Gardner was told her son Dexter has cerebral palsy.

“It was after a heart-to -heart that I asked if I could ask the students if we could raise money for her charity as well as Paw Prints.

“Dexter has regular visits to Tiny Tim’s to help with his treatment, aiding him to walk and run alongside his twin brother Jackson.

“They do this treatment free of charge and it is completely reliant on donations.”

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The fashion show will also feature performances by the production arts students and the Impact Dance company. All money raised will be divided between the charities, with representatives from both planning to attend the show.

The event takes place next Thursday, May 12, at Rugby College. Doors open at 7pm.

Tickets cost £3 each (£1.50 children), available from Rugby College’s hair and beauty reception.